Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sylvia Dee -lyricist-

song title:
My Sugar Is So Refined

song title:
Skip Rope

Ernie Erdman -lyricist-

song title: Nobody's Sweetheart
music by Billy Meyers, Elmer Schoebel
lyric by Ernie Erdman, Gus Kahn

song title:
Toot Toot Tootsie (Click Here for YouTube audioclip: Al Jolson)

music by Ted Fiorito
lyric by Ernie Erdman & Gus Kahn

Gil Fuller aka Walter Gilbert Fuller (l-r: Dizzy Gillespie, Gil Fuller) -composer-

song title: Manteca

Dizzy Gillespie -composer-

song title: Anthropology
lyric by Jon Hendricks

song title: Groovin' High
music by Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker
song title: Manteca
music by Dizzy Gillespie, Gil Fuller, Chano Pozo
song title: Ow!

song title: Salt Peanuts

music and lyric by Dizzy Gillespie and Kenny Clarke

song title: Woody 'n You

lyric by Ray Passman

Langston Hughes -lyricist-

song title: Moon Faced, Starry Eyed

music by Kurt Weill
song title: Lonely House
music by Kurt Weill

Harry Jacobson -composer-

song title: My Love For You

lyric by Edward Heyman

Sidney S. Lippman -composer-

lyric by Sylvia Dee

song title:
My Sugar Is So Refined
lyric by Sylvia Dee

song title:
Skip Rope
lyric by Sylvia Dee

song title: These Things You Left Me
lyric by Hal Dickinson
lyric by Sylvia Dee